Friday, July 27, 2007

State of Emergency

OK, so, this blog is kinda turning into me just talking about what I'm doing in youth ministry, but that is basically all I do out here, so that's all y'all get. And since a bunch of you are already involved in youth ministry, and a bunch more of y'all should be, maybe these kinds of posts will give you some good ideas about where to go or what to do. Or, you can also shout things back at me in the comments like "that sucks!" or more constructive things like "i think it would be cool to do that same thing with shards of pottery and glass" or whatever.

I think it'll be fun.

So tonight was my last official regular old Uturn of the summer, which is crazy how fast this summer has gone by. Anywho, Jon (the youth pastor) set it up long ago that I would be speaking tonight, so I prepared a whole lesson based around the life of Joseph (Old Testament). I mainly talked about how God uses the parts of our lives that we don't like or don't make sense to us to bring us to the place where he wants us. I called it "State of Emergency" because Joseph rose to power just in time to save the world in that huge famine. But mainly because I listened to this Bjork song "Joga" and that's where the whole idea for the teaching came from. I think the speaking portion was better last time I spoke. Also, I definitely heard from a bunch of people afterwards that I pace like mad. There was one freshman girl who said she felt like she was watching a tennis match. Note taken.

The cool thing, though, about tonight was that we put together this awesome mosaic. I told a story from my life that a lot of y'all probably remember from a few Christmases ago, and just talked about how in that situation, and in a lot of situations, I just don't understand why God has certain things happen. So I asked the kids to write down a situation similar to that in their lives on these little sheets of paper. The sheets were covered in dots of random colors and sizes which everyone just kind of wrote over.

While I was talking about the life and times of Joseph, the students on the student-leaders team at Uturn arranged the dotted images into the mosaic which they were each a part of. Anywho, this has been kind of confusing to write, so I took some pictures so that you could see it in action.

This is the full image. I talked about trees at the end. I don't know how well that part stuck. But I think this image came out perfect.

I also took a couple of close-ups:

How amazing are these students?

Peace, love, and joy to you all.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

An Update ~or~ A News Report, a Girl, and a Poem

I'm tired. I've been working hard and staying very busy all summer. It's been pretty awesome.

But really, I'm still the same me. I don't really watch TV, cause I don't have the time. And I haven't touched a guitar since May, cause I didn't bring one out here. Other than that, I'm still basically the same me.

Oh, except for I kinda fell in love with this girl. At first, I didn't know what to think of her, but the more time I spend listening to her, the more I like what I hear. The problem is that her hair is shorter than mine, and mine's pretty freaking short. Oh, and she's like twice my age.

I am, of course, talking about none other than Sinead O'Connor, who's newish album "Theology" has been playing over and over in my head for the past couple of days now. I recommend it with the caveat that it's not a systematic theology textbook, so if you are going to take issue with her riffs on the Old Testament, then just let it be. But, until somebody else writes awesome music about Job, Jesus, and Psalm 91, I'll be listening to this.

Lastly is a poem. That I didn't write. But I like it. The only way I came across it was through one of the blogs I read to try to stretch the boundaries of how I define ministry. The blog is jonnybaker but the poem is by kester. Enjoy!

If we could all
just stop throwing stones,
and stoop, knees bent
and write in the dust,

we'd see that the dust
was once stone -
grand, and hard, and proud, and tough -
now ground and dissolved
in grace and tears.

So... how much better
to be a grain of dirt
on that kind prophet’s hands
than a stone
in the cold, accusing Temple
of the pure.

Friday, July 20, 2007

an avant-ish page from my notebook

Today was cloudy.
It was sunny once. Lunch. Fun.
But then it was cloudy. I don't
remember when or how. But it was
It was cloudy when I went to
dinner. I brought a hoodie to be safe
in my backpack when I grabbed
my iPod.
There's a feather next to me blowing
all about in the wind. It hasn't left
yet but it's so small and the breeze
is strong
I listened to Jay Bakker during
my walk and my meal. The hash
browns were very good.
The message was about God having
forgotten our sin. It's on iTunes.
I started walking toward the water.
Jay made some jokes about Brad Pitt,
Ty Pennington and Brennan Manning. I
laughed out loud.
He ran out of words at Grand & Main.
I tried to listen the songs I
put on my iPod today. They didn't
work until I hit Evolution.
The Cinematic Orchestra makes my
life seem like art.
It sounded like it was skipping or something.
And I thought of Jay Bakker and Phil2 and
DC Talk and shining like stars
I was struck.

I hit the crest of the hill. I saw
the water. The clouds broke.

A change.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Pleasure Cruise of the Disciples

So, youth ministry has always been a big thing for me, right? A bunch of times you'll see it show up in my posts or whatever.

It's always weird to me, though, because it's such a huge part of my life but most all of my friends and even family members have never really seen me doing youth ministry stuff.

A few weeks ago, I got the opportunity to speak to Uturn (which is the youth ministry here at El Segundo Foursquare Church). I talked about trusting God and facing your fears, which have kinda been the things that I'd been working through with this whole internship experience.

Anyway, the message got recorded, so I thought it might be fun to post a little bit from right at the end, kinda as proof to you guys who haven't really ever seen or heard me do youth ministry that I actually do it. Oh, and to give everyone the opportunity to make fun of the fact that I don't seem to fully understand the concept of a microphone, or that it's pretty obvious that my speaking style is more influenced by dane cook and nick swardson than billy graham or some other preachery guy.

Anywho, here's a little ten minute chunk I like to call the tennis story.

Friday, July 13, 2007


The number above is a code. It means that I'm still alive.

I'm just crazy busy.

But I'm working on a post. It's not yet done.

But I made a sample.

Cause I thought it was funny. Particularly upon reading it.

Friday afternoon was reserved for prayer and fasting for the Mission staff, so we planned a pool day.

Keep watch.

Peace, love, and joy to you all.