Tuesday, February 27, 2007

|||thoughts on the clock

I'm turning older in 6 minutes. it's kinda weird to try to
think of it that way, i think. i've never really understood why we make such a big deal out of these days. sure, when you're six or seven it's loads of fun to have a party and play gi joe's with your friends, but i mean, now it's just---
like i always want to tell everyone 'of course i don't feel older. it's just another day.' life evolves. i feel like it's this stilted holiday, something i ought to celebrate because we arbitrarily determined som
ewhere along the lines that these yearly things were even necessary. i mean, don't get me wrong. it's great. and i want to say thanks to everybody who appreciates me, and i understand that that's kinda what's at the heart of this for everybody else and for me and for everybody.
i suppose i just kinda question why we need to set a day aside special for loving and appreciating and celebrating one another. i suppose i'd rather be appreciated 1/400th every day than 1/1 on 1 day of 365.
i'm probably wrong though. i've never been right about who i was going to be looking at my own future. as far back as i started dreaming of tomorrows and of days that would never come to pass, i've never quite pegged one. 22, i mean, i thought i'd be getting married soon, not stil
happy birthday.

peace, love, and joy to you all.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

'Heard: The Week in Quotes (vol 7)

Let us collect all the New Testaments there are and bring them out to an open place or up on a mountain and then, while we all kneel, let someone talk to God in this manner: Take this book back again. We human beings, such as we are, are not fit to involve ourselves with such a thing, it only makes us unhappy.

-- Soren Kierkegaard

There is one thing a bishop should say to another bishop; that I am a great sinner and Christ is a great savior.

-- Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury

Peace, love, and joy to you all.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Itching to Write Something

I have really wanted to write for a long time now. It feels like it's been last semester since I was able to write anything of weight on here. So, this is lame, but it's just kind of a life update. Maybe it'll grow into something else. Regardless,

1) This is by far the most difficult semester of school I've ever taken: two dead languages, Systematic Theology, a BibLit course, English (jazz.), and the indescribable experience which is Signs & Wonders. Last weekend was the first weekend of the semester in which I didn't have to write a paper...and so I had two tests this week instead. If I make it through this, though, next (the final) semester will be cake.

1b) I feel like I should mention that jazz is the new lame. I don't really know why, but it just is.

2) I have this weird idea about trains just floating through my mind, specifically that I'm never on the right one. I feel like I catch glimpses of these amazing women, but we're always kinda heading the wrong directions, or traveling separate, or whatever. But whatever. Maybe there's more to solitude than I've given it credit.

3) I have no idea what's going to be going on next spring in my life. Any ideas will be met with great appreciation.

4) This summer has been booked: El Segundo, California, mid-May to mid-August.

5) We Christians have too many rules. Oh well.

I'm really tired. There's a post in my drafts folder on here that's been brewing for about 3 months. Hopefully I'll remember to finish it this week.

Peace, love, and joy to you all.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

'Heard: The Week in Quotes (vol 6)

We pursue God because, and only because, He has first put an urge within us that spurs us to the pursuit.

-- A.W. Tozer

Everything will turn out the way you want, if you stop doubting that I love you.

-- Stephanie, The Science of Sleep

The [biblical] text is not only full of fractures, tensions, and contradictions but informs us that fractures, tensions, and contradictions are all we can hope for.

-- Peter Rollins

I think we get caught in this idea of pleasing God rather than trusting God. And I think once you learn to trust God, it's a lot easier to please God.

-- Jay Bakker

Saturday, February 17, 2007

My Current Favorite Picture in the World...

...is here. It's my current desktop and about the only thing I've got going for me at this specific moment; who knew college would actually be a lot of work? Anyway, if you're looking for a good way to procrastinate today, I recommend heading over to Caedes and surfing through their free (and clean) desktop wallpapers.

I'll be here in my room reading/writing about postmodern responses to the authority of the Bible.

Peace, love, and joy to you all.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

'Heard: The Week in Quotes (vol 5)

Why does God reveal Himself to us? Because, as we saw, He who made us rational beings wants, in His love, to have us as His friends.

-- James I Packer

Time and again the unintended message we Evangelicals send to the world shows that we don’t truly bury our wounded, as goes the common in-joke. Instead, we act is if they were never part of us to begin with. “Our wounded? No, someone else’s wounded.”

-- Dan Edelen, from his post "The Pastor: Not One of Us," which is more than worth a read

Indeed, capitalism is probably more anticommunal in theory than in practice, for human beings cannot be as consistently selfish and calculating as capitalist doctrine calls on them to be.

-- Glen Tinder

Humanity should question itself, once more, about the absurd and always unfair phenomenon of war, on whose stage of death and pain only remain standing the negotiating table that could and should have prevented it.

-- Pope John Paul II

Friday, February 9, 2007

So, I'm No Longer White...

Just in case you were wondering, I've decided to no longer self-identify as white. I owe this little piece of revelatory goodness to a little clip I just caught on Colbert regarding Barack Obama:

As it turns out, I can no longer in good conscience self-identify as white. You see, despite the color of my skin, which never really was "white" to begin with, I don't share the "white experience" of being a descendant of those who experienced the epitome of white-itude, or slave ownership, in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries here in the States.

You see, if we lump me with all those white people, we'd be denying the distinct cultural heritage that I have, as the descendant of early 20th century Russo-German peasant immigrants, with that of the plantation owning aristocrats of whom I am in no way related.

It's almost like drawing these lines in the sand is stupid and pointless and just another example of us carrying on the archaic ignorances of those who died long before we ever lived. It sucks that so many Africans were used as slaves in the United States. My family lived as serfs for hundreds of years in a corrupt and endless cycle of servitude.

Maybe we'd have some sort of common ground to stand on if we could all just get over being so color-coded.

Peace, love, and joy to you all.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Basically Stolen...

So I know that I said yesterday that I was going to post something real today. And I menat it.

At the time.

But so far today has just been fully draining. So I was sitting here in my room crying out towards the heavens racking my mind for something to write about. So I did what I always do when I get stuck writing.

I checked Facebook.

And, as it turns out, one of my friends from the way back ib days (not that I really talk to any of them anymore--I think I got out before the bonding-of-war portion of our educations, or that I just missed the last 3 years of it) posted something called "Ways I Know I'm Getting Old," and, since it was rather entertaining, I decided that I'm just going to steal and redact it down to the ones with which I particularly identify. (and I added commentary in brackets [like this])

4) All my friends are getting married and/or having kids. [or getting divorced. But mostly the first two]
6) Drinking is not exciting. [how true]
7) I listen to the light rock radio station and they're all songs I know. From when I was in high school. ["I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep..."]
8) I can't find anything and I'm pretty sure I'm losing my mind. []
10) I'm not worried about what classes I'm going to take next semester and I haven't had to worry about waitlists for a while.
16) I enjoyed watching Prince play at the Superbowl Half Time Show. [He's so freaking talented!]
17) I'm beginning to regret all the things I didn't do yet and am worried I'll never get a chance to do them after I leave college.
18) I drive the speed limit.
20) My favorite band broke up 3 years ago. [This is only kinda true; but my favorite musician and stand-up comedian are both dead (Elliott Smith d. 2003 and Mitch Hedberg d. 2005, respectively)]
21) I resist changes in technology. [I don't even have a camera phone.]
22) New athletes in professional sports are younger than me. [I'm 2.5 years older than Andrew Bynum, who plays center for the Lakers. Oh yeah, and he's halfway through his second year in the league.]
24) My hopes of becoming an olympic gymnast are over. [too random to remove]
25) I buy my textbooks.
26) I read them.
27) If I don't I can't pass the class. [so true, so true]

I hope everything is well with you. Hopefully, school will eventually settle a little, so I can just ramble on meaninglessly like the good old days. In the meantime,

Peace, love, and joy to you all.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

'Heard: The Week in Quotes (vol 4)

((This is, quite seriously, how I started my English paper on Sonny's Blues by James Baldwin, which may or may not have been a good idea...we shall soon see))

{{Oh, and I know I finished last week with three straight from Kierkegaard, but I can't help myself...I love the guy}}

What is a poet? An unhappy man who conceals profound anguish in his heart, but whose lips are so fashioned that when sighs and groans pass over them they sound like beautiful music. His fate resembles that of the unhappy men who were slowly roasted by a gentle fire in the tyrant Phalaris' bull—their shrieks could not reach his ear to terrify him, to him they sounded like sweet music. And people flock about the poet and say to him: do sing again; Which means, would that new sufferings tormented your soul, and: would that your lips stayed fashioned as before, for your cries would only terrify us, but your music is delightful. [...] Behold, therefore would I rather be a swineherd on Amager, and be understood by the swine than a poet, and misunderstood by men.

--- Soren Kierkegaard

Constantly talking isn't necessarily communicating.

--- Joel Barish (that is to say, Jim Carrey's character in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, which is directed by Michel Gondry and written by Charlie Kaufman)

[end of quotes]

Finally, I would like to say that I for one am quite disappointed in myself that I didn't get around to any real posts this week....so tomorrow, Super Bowl Recap....or something. Hopefully.

Peace, love, and joy to you all.